Cherokee County Sheriff Jeff Shaver was awarded with the “Sheriff of the Year” award for 2021 by the Alabama Sheriff’s Association (ASA) at their winter business meeting on Tuesday. Montgomery County Sheriff Derrick Cunningham, the outgoing ASA President, presented the award and said, “Sheriff Shaver is a team builder for Alabama sheriffs, northwest Georgia sheriffs, and other law enforcement. He supports any sheriff that needs a hand.”
Incoming ASA President Jay Jones, Sheriff of Lee County, said, “Jeff Shaver is a good man and a good sheriff that we can rely on.”
The annual award is voted on annually and selected by Alabama’s sheriffs each year. According to Sheriff Cunningham, the vote for Sheriff Shaver was unanimous.
Cherokee County Chief Deputy Josh Summerford said, “the Sheriff is well-deserving of this award. Probably his greatest quality is that he cares so much for people, no matter who they are. I am grateful for his steady leadership, mentorship and friendship.”
Sheriff Shaver said when he received the award, “I am very honored to receive this, I would not have received this award if it were not for all the good team of people in our Sheriff’s Office. This award is reflective of the entire Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.”