According to research, one in five children struggle with hunger and food insecurity. That’s approximately 250 students at Plainview alone. Plainview School is helping to fight hunger at their school. Plainview has started “Plainview Pantry” is now receiving donations to help in this effort.
Alabama State Representative Nathaniel Ledbetter and Senator Steve Livingston made a donation of $2,000 today to the “Plainview Pantry”. Representative Ledbetter, “When I learned about the Food Pantry Program at Plainview High School I was so proud to hear that our local schools are continuing to go above and beyond for our children. Not only will this program impact the lives of the students, but their entire families.
Senator Livingston and I were more than happy to help contribute to the program and we will continue to do so.
I am proud of all the DeKalb County Schools making this a priority. This will have a tremendous impact in our community and I’m proud to serve people who focus on serving others.”
“Plainview Pantry” is accepting food and toiletry donations, as well as monetary donations. In the flyer “Plainview Pantry” has, it lists some ideas for donations, but they will accept whatever you can give. Donations are being accepted at the school. Other locations around the community that are accepting donations are: Rainsville (First Southern State Bank, First State Bank, Stop to Save Supermarket, and Rainsville Foodland).
If you would like more information on how you can help, please contact the school or email Brandon Renfroe at [email protected].