Press release / Stolen Vehicle recovery
On 02/12/23, a 1970 Ford XLT was stolen from inside the Town limits of Ider. After many hours of investigation work by our Department and Dade County Sheriff’s Office(GA) the truck was found on security cameras at a Trenton GA service station.
After many leads from the public the suspect was identified as Zechariah Clark.
After learning who the suspect was Sgt. Chad Payne (Dade County) and Chief Malone checked known areas Mr. Clark frequented and located the stolen vehicle abandoned in the woods in Bryant AL(02/14/23).
Mr. Clark is currently wanted for Theft of Property 1st degree, and the Ider Police Department will be obtaining warrants on today’s date.
This investigation is still ongoing but we want to thank Dade County Sheriff’s Office, and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office for their assistance in this case.
Our biggest help was from the public helping our department narrow down areas and suspects, without them this case may have not been solved. We need just as much help from our community as the community needs help from us. I am beyond thankful for all of you who reached out and assisted.
-Chief Malone
**All suspects and persons posted on this page are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Information and photos posted here are obtained from PUBLIC sources (arrest records, booking lists, jail rosters, court documents).