Caution Urged with All Burning
The Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) is advising people to use extreme caution with all debris burning and outdoor fires. At this time of year with lower humidity and March winds, fires can quickly spread out of control, not only threatening lives, but also endangering homes and property, as well as resulting in damage to Alabama’s forests.
It is Alabama state law to obtain a burn permit before burning any woodland, grassland, field, or wood debris greater than one quarter acre or within 25 feet of flammable material. All necessary safety precautions should be exercised when doing any type burning. Be sure to clear down to mineral soil around the area to be burned. Have enough tools, equipment, and manpower to safely control any fire. Once started, stay with the fire until it is completely out. To obtain a burn permit or for more information, call the Alabama Forestry Commission at 1(800) 392-5679.
Check with your Municipality Fire Department about burning inside City Limits.