Rainsville City Council Meeting Monday, March 18, 2019

The Rainsville City Council met Monday, March 18, 2019. The council
approved the following:
Approved the minutes from the last meeting.
Approved to surplus a 2008 fire truck.
Approved to surplus some radios and exercise equipment.
Approved to authorize the Mayor to dispense funds for new radar equipment
for the
Police Department in the amount of $23000.01. The city will receive
the money back
in ten days due to a matching grant.
Approved to hire Sandy Little as Animal Control Officer at $12.14 an hour
with a 90-day probation.
Approved to sponsor Skills USA in the amount of $500.
Approved to purchase 20 tables for the Tom Bevill Center for $2300.00.
Approved to send Matt Crum to training in the amount of $285.00
Approved to close out the Sewer Debt Service account at First Fidelity Bank.
Approved do a sponsorship for the AFC2 in the amount of $500.00 on June 15.
Approved to purchase a security system for The Field of Dreams from FTC for
Approved to pay the bills.
Meeting adjourned. Next council meeting will be Monday, April 1st,
2019, Workshop at 4:15p.m., Meeting at 5:00p.m.