The Rainsville City Council met Monday, April 15, 2019. The council approved the following: Approved the minutes from the last meeting. Approved to purchase life guard uniforms for a cost of $1728.94. Approved to buy a lawn mower for $12750.00. Passed a resolution for the school sales tax holiday for July 19 – 21, 2019. Adopted the new employee handbook. Approved to have the gutters and porch fixed at the Board of Education Building for $6870.00. Approved to hire two police officers Jonathan Haney and Sean Fowler with a 90-day probation period for $14.06 an hour. Approved to reimburse Jonathan Haney $2815.00 and Sean Fowler $1930.00 for training cost out of the police fund with two-year contract. Councilman Ricky Byrum stated that May 6 – June 1st would be spring clean-up month in Rainsville. You will need to provide your sewer and sanitation bill to use the service. Approved to pay the bills. Meeting adjourned. Next council meeting will be May 6, 2019, workshop at 4:15p.m., meeting at 5:00p.m.