From the Office of DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden:
It is with great sadness and heavy hearts, we report the passing of one of our own, Senior Lieutenant Jeff Bain. Lt Bain passed away Sunday, January 3, 2021 at DeKalb Reginal Hospital due to complications that arose from Covid-19. Lt. Bain was in law enforcement for over 30 years, and for over 19 of those, he proudly served with the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office. Lt. Bain was a dedicated and loyal Deputy who had a passion to serve his community. Having served in the U.S. Army, Lt. Bain defined Public Service and Patriotism. He was well respected among his peers and the law enforcement profession. We ask for your prayers for Jeff’s family and his DCSO family. Jeff was loved by all of us and he will be greatly missed.
DeKalb County Sheriff Nick Welden said of the incident:
“I definitely don’t know where to begin and don’t have the words! My heart hurts, everyone’s heart hurts at DCSO right now. We lost a true patriot! Lt. Bain was the guy everyone looked up to and looked for when they needed answers and help. I’ve known him for at least 21 years, and considered him one of the greatest friends I’ve ever been blessed to know. But we weren’t just friends or co-workers, we were family! Everyone at DCSO is family, and times like this really hurt! In our job you can’t just lay down your sword and shield when things of the world come at you, you have got to press on. Just like during this pandemic people still need us and call on us, and we have to go because it’s what we do. It’s times like this that show the real, TRUE heroes like Lt. Jeff Bain!!! He never let anything get him down, he just kept pressing on, all for people he didn’t know! That’s the kind of heroes you will never replace and I assure you, we will never forget. There’s going to be tough grieving days ahead, and we will never get over this, but as a family we can help each other get through it!! I ask that you please keep the family in your prayers as well as our DCSO family.”
“God Bless!” Concluded Sheriff Welden.