City of Rainsville Announces Paving Projects to Begin in September


If you reside on or around the following streets, please begin preparing for road closures and traffic stops. Construction is set to begin on OR before September 6, 2024.

The following is a list of streets to be resurfaced and striped:

1. Browns Chapel Road from 4-Way STOP at Parker Ave to AL Hwy. 75

2. Everett Road from Browns Chapel Road to Scott Ave

3. Everett Road from Scott Ave to Chavies Road

4. Maple Ave (widen to 18 ft.) from Everett Road to Garrett Street

5. Scott Ave (widen to 18 ft.) from Everett Road to Garrett Street

6. Scott Ave from Garrett Street to AL Hwy. 35

7. Fortner Road from Chavies Road to CR-835

8. Chavies Road from Everett Road to AL Hwy 35

9. George Wallace Drive from Parker Ave to Thompson Ave

10. Parker Ave from George Wallace Drive to Garrett Street

11. Parker Ave from Garrett Street to Everett Road

12. Parker Ave from Everett Road to Browns Chapel Road

13. Samples Street and Parker Avenue from George Wallace Drive to Broadway Street