MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is maintaining essential services, such as road and bridge maintenance and construction, during the continuation of a national effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Work to repair slides and other roadway failures resulting from the recent record rainfall is also ongoing.
“ALDOT’s mission is to move people and goods, and that includes things such as products to keep stores stocked and supplies for healthcare providers and manufacturers of the equipment needed for community safety and sanitation,” said George Conner, Deputy Director of Operations, ALDOT. “Many of our employees and contractors continue to work while taking extra precautions to protect their health. At a time where trucking and the shipment of essential goods is vital, ALDOT is working hard to advance the maintenance and construction that’s required for our interstates and state highways.”
“We are committed to safety in all aspects of our operations, which includes our work zones,” Conner said. We’re doing all we can to keep our projects moving. As always, we ask that motorists drive alertly around the many work zones that remain active at this time.”
Rest Areas
Restrooms remain open at ALDOT rest areas and welcome centers across the state. Throughout the day, the staff cleans and sanitizes the areas used most frequently by travelers, including door handles, counters, faucets and toilets. In addition, deep cleanings are performed on the restrooms each week. While rest area employees are focused on cleaning at this time, a phone number is posted at each rest area and welcome center for travelers to call if they need information or assistance.
General Operations
ALDOT personnel will continue to monitor and respond to traffic incidents and roadway issues. ALDOT traffic operations and Alabama Service & Assistance Patrol (ASAP) responders will continue serving in areas where they currently operate.
Public Involvement Meetings
All ALDOT public involvement meetings are postponed until further notice.
Permit Operations
Local ALDOT offices will continue to receive and process permits for work on ALDOT right of way. The ALDOT Oversize/Overweight Permit Office will continue to accept and process applications for oversize/overweight vehicles on Alabama highways.
About the Alabama Department of Transportation
ALDOT’s mission is to provide a safe, efficient, environmentally and economically sound transportation network across Alabama. For further information, visit
For traffic and road condition information, go to