Alabama Forestry Commission Wildfire Update

March 5, 2025

Ahead of last night’s storm system, gusty winds and low relative humidities resulted in extremely erratic fire behavior. On Tuesday, Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) wildland firefighters suppressed 181 wildfires – a record number for one day – burning approximately 1,700 acres across Alabama.

With forecasts calling for elevated wind speeds across the state today, the agency still strongly discourages any outdoor burning until conditions improve. To report a wildfire, call 911.

This time of year, anyone who insists on burning should use extreme caution and stay aware of local weather updates because of potential windy conditions. Safety recommendations include never leaving a fire unattended until it is out (cold to the touch), having the necessary equipment and personnel to control a fire, and having a garden hose or other water supply on hand for smaller debris burns. Agricultural or silvicultural fires more than a quarter acre in size or within 25 feet of a forested area require a permit from the AFC. Anyone who burns a field, grassland, or woodland without a burn permit may be subject to prosecution for committing a Class B misdemeanor.

The Alabama Forestry Commission is the state agency charged with protecting Alabama citizens and the state’s forest resources from wildfires. To learn more about burn permits and the services provided by the agency, contact any AFC county office or visit